Thursday, March 3, 2011

Slippery Slope

Last week, I told myself (and my husband) that I would only drink one soda and one small piece of birthday cake. Then I was really tired leaving for work one night and I grabbed another soda, because I needed the caffeine. That same day I drank three 20oz sodas and had two pieces of cake. The next night before leaving for work, I grabbed another soda. This time it was not because I needed the caffeine, but because I wanted the sugar....I was craving the sweet taste of soda.

From this I learned a valuable lesson......

There is NO such thing as just one soda, just one piece of cake, just one anything that is unhealthy for you!

OK lesson learned and I was lucky enough to not gain any weight while learning it. WHEW!

Now it is time to buckle down and be serious. Since last week was a sugar filled disaster, this week I am going  stop eating sugar completely......for at least a few weeks anyway. To make it even more fun, I am going to go cold turkey. Yes you read that right! After today, no sugar will enter my body....artificial or otherwise.

Taking a cue from my husband, I am bribing myself. If I make it one week without eating any kind of sugar then next Thursday I get to go pre-order Tangled and get the lithographs that come with it.......and if I don't make it the entire week, then I just get to buy the movie with no lithographs. This is a huge incentive for me considering I LOVE Disney and I have collected all the lithographs for every new movie that has come out since 2001.

Talk about a lot of pressure!

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