Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Biggest Loser Challenge

My work is having a Biggest Loser Challenge. It lasts eight weeks and it starts this Sunday March 27th. Just like the show, the person who loses the most weight in 8 weeks wins. I am not sure what the prize is yet, but I will be sure to let you know as soon as I find out.

I am going to participate! And hopefully win too! My weigh ins are now going to be on Sundays at 7am...or as close as possible anyway.

Wish me luck! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Calorie Fest

Last night for dinner I had a calorie fest...also known as CiCi's Pizza Buffet. In one meal, I ate more pizza and dessert pizza than any one person should consume in a week. Oh and to top it off I drank two 32oz sodas.

Yeah me!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last Night

Ok so you know I have been slacking off and not exercising or keeping up with my calories lately. I know I know...I am a bad dieter, but I told you that from the start.

But last night was different, last nigh I finally did it!

I climbed to the top of a mountain! Ok so not an actual mountain, but it was 20 flights of stairs, a bunch of walking around that involved more steps (for a total of about 23 flights) and then all the way back down. I thought I was going to die on the way up. I was sure that my legs were going to give out and my heart was going to explode.

While I was out of breath and my legs were so sore (and still are), it was so worth it!

The view up there is amazing....you can see for miles and miles.

I think it is safe to say that while I am still horrible about counting my calories, at least I am getting my exercise.

Well for one night anyway.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I hate being sick, but then again who doesn't.

I am sick and my daughter is sick. Hopefully it stops with us....but I don't have that kind of luck.

You know that sick taste that you get in your mouth when you have a cold or the flu? I guess it is all that yummy phlegm...gag.......Well I eat to make the taste go away. The taste only stay away for a little bit and then it returns. A smart person would realize that it is not going to go away until you better....but I guess I'm not that smart, because I eat again, and again, and again. Needless to say I am not looking forward to weighing myself this week.

SO in other news........

I have been having a hard time at work and working seven days in a row is definitely NOT helping! Turns out I eat my feelings more then I thought.  Does chocolate really solve everything?  I found that the answer is....NO!  The only thing chocolate does is put you in a good mood for about 1 minute.....then you start to regret it and feel even worse for a few days. OMG! When will I learn it is not worth it!?!

Last but definitely not least,


Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Bad Day!

I have admittedly been in a bad mood since I woke up. It was pouring down rain and  I just wanted to stay in bed all day. Since that wasn't a realistic option, I got up and started the day.

I didn't want to go to the doctor, but I had to. My appointment was for 9am, they said get there 15 minutes early....They called me back at 10am.

I have been craving sushi, so after I let the doctor, I went to the grocery store. They were out!

My pants are soaked up the my knees!

One my way home, in the pouring rain, this idiot decides to slam on his brakes in the middle of the intersection....when we had a GREEN light. I was two car lengths behind him. I slammed on my brakes as hard as I could......but I still hit him. His car was fine, mine is destroyed. This guy was celebrating that I hit him...he was visibly happy and jumping up and down in excitement. When the cop got there, he was walking around acting all hurt and mad that I had hit his car. The cop asked me what happened and I told her. She then asked him what happened and he said that he slammed on the brakes at a green light because...........

an Ambulance was going through the intersection! I said Are you kidding me?? There was no ambulance!  The cop said that the wreck was my fault for two reasons.

One I was following too close..apparently where I live you are supposed to follow 4 car lengths behind the car in front of you. Can you imagine?

Two Just because I didn't see or hear the ambulance doesn't mean that there wasn't one. Seriously?!? I drive an SUV and could see over his car, I did not hear a siren, other witnesses did not hear or see an ambulance. Yet the cop sided with him. This is absurd!

I have been driving for 14 years and this is the first accident I have been in that was my fault......but I still say, no scream, IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHH!  I hate idiots!

Needless to say this is not a good day for my diet.

Weekly Weigh In

I weighed myself today and I weigh.........

162 pounds!!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am very good at it!

I keep putting off exercising, counting calories, stopping all the sugar, everything diet related. Pretty much the only thing I haven't put off is stopping all soda. Yes I have had some slips where I drank soda, but for the most part I am soda free. And guess what..........I don't even crave them any more. Actually the last one I drank made my mouth so dry and made me feel weird and sick. As soon as I finished drinking it I regretted it.

I have many different excuses, but my favorite one is that I am too tired. While it is true, it is still an excuse. Honestly lately it seems that I am always too tired. Too tired to exercise, too tired to drive, too tired to go grocery shopping, too tired to do anything. Working third shift is hard. It has been four months and I am still not used to it.....I hope I get used to it soon!

I really want to lose the weight. I have really wanted to lose the weight for a long time.....6 yrs as a matter of fact.

I guess I just don't have the will power to say no to sugary foods..........

I guess I just want it to be easy and its really HARD!

I guess I am just going to have to suck it up and DO IT ALREADY!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Today has been an amazing day!

My husband bought a car.....and paid for it with cash! Yeah for one less car payment!!!!

I got a call telling me that I am transferring! This is going to be a great opportunity for me to do something I love!

For these reasons and more, I am in a GREAT mood!

I celebrated our good fortune by.......eating a Milky Way.

Why do people always celebrate with food? I mean seriously, what does cake have to do with promotions at work? What does candy have to do with Easter? What does ham have to do with Christmas?

Is it really so shocking that Americans are so overweight when EVERY family get together involves some sort of food?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Slippery Slope

Last week, I told myself (and my husband) that I would only drink one soda and one small piece of birthday cake. Then I was really tired leaving for work one night and I grabbed another soda, because I needed the caffeine. That same day I drank three 20oz sodas and had two pieces of cake. The next night before leaving for work, I grabbed another soda. This time it was not because I needed the caffeine, but because I wanted the sugar....I was craving the sweet taste of soda.

From this I learned a valuable lesson......

There is NO such thing as just one soda, just one piece of cake, just one anything that is unhealthy for you!

OK lesson learned and I was lucky enough to not gain any weight while learning it. WHEW!

Now it is time to buckle down and be serious. Since last week was a sugar filled disaster, this week I am going  stop eating sugar completely......for at least a few weeks anyway. To make it even more fun, I am going to go cold turkey. Yes you read that right! After today, no sugar will enter my body....artificial or otherwise.

Taking a cue from my husband, I am bribing myself. If I make it one week without eating any kind of sugar then next Thursday I get to go pre-order Tangled and get the lithographs that come with it.......and if I don't make it the entire week, then I just get to buy the movie with no lithographs. This is a huge incentive for me considering I LOVE Disney and I have collected all the lithographs for every new movie that has come out since 2001.

Talk about a lot of pressure!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

Due to even more changes, my weekly weigh in have been moved to Wednesday mornings at 7am.

After all the birthday cake that I have eaten and all the sodas I have drank this week, I was expecting a really bad weigh in.  I dreaded going to sleep last night. This morning, I protested getting out of bed.

After about 15 minutes, my husband dragged me kicking and screaming into the living room.

Once in the living room, I refused to set up the Wii Fit.  My husband was persistent that I had to weigh in EVERY week. So while he got everything set up, I used my one year old as an example and sat on the couch and threw my best temper tantrum.

He used his best parenting skills and promised me that if I weighed in today then tomorrow he would take care of the morning routine with the kids and let me sleep in.

Bribery works wonders! Just the thought of sleeping in tomorrow made me so happy, I jumped on the Wii Fit board.....then instantly regretted it.

Thankfully the Wii Fit was kind to me and it said that I weigh..........


I didn't lose, but hey I didn't gain either!!                                                                                                                                       

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthdays Are My Enemy!

Ok so not birthdays, just birthday cakes.

Oh and graduation cakes, going way cakes, congratulations cakes, wedding cakes, bridal shower cakes, baby shower cakes.

OK OK so maybe cakes are the enemy!?!

But that is just too hard to admit.

They look so good and they taste even better! I should know because right now I have a 1/4 sheet cake in my kitchen.

I would love to tell you that I have been exercising great self-control. I would love to tell you that I have only had one piece or even two......but I can't. In the past three days, I have consumed more cake then any normal person should.

I would love to blame my husband for sabotaging my diet, but is it really his fault he had a birthday??

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Things are constantly changing.

Recently my work schedule changed. I still work third shift, but I now come in an hour earlier. Also I just got promoted to full time....YEAH!! This means my eating schedule is so messed up. I now get hungry in the middle of the night and still want to eat three meals during the day. I have tried saving my snacks for while I'm at work but so far.....not really helping!

Another big change is that every six weeks my sleep schedule has to change. This causes major problems in......you guessed it my appetite.

If I ever lose this weight it will be nothing short of a miracle!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good News!

In spite of my extreme slacking off in exercising and my continuing to drink soft drinks and iced coffee......

I lost 5 pounds!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Self Esteem

I used to have a lot of self esteem. I never doubted that I was funny, outgoing, and lets not forget beautiful.

Then I had kids.

Now I am extremely overweight, sleep deprived, and stressed to the max.

Is it really a surprise that now I have no self esteem?

Saturday, January 29, 2011


It is pretty obvious that I have been slacking lately.

I did not start counting calories and I only truly exercised 2 days.

As far as caffeine goes, you already know that didn't even last one day. Going cold turkey on caffeine is not going to work. The main reason is the withdrawal. It is no joke!! The other reason is that I work third shift. If I don't sleep good during the day, I am used to using caffeine to help keep me up....especially on the way home.

I think that me for, getting rid of the caffeine is going to be a long process. I am giving myself a month to be completely caffeine free. Here is the plan. Right now, I drink two or three 20 oz caffeine drinks a day. So step one is going to be limiting my caffeine to one 20 oz soda or coffee a day. Step two is going to be drinking the 20 oz in phases.

On week one, I am going to drink 8 oz when I wake up, 8oz while I am at work, and 4 oz on my way home from work.

On week two of limiting caffeine I am going to drink 16 oz of caffeine drinks a day.....6 oz when I wake up, 6 oz while I am at work and 3 oz on my way home from work.

On week three, I am only drink 16 oz every other day using the same spacing method.

On week four, I am going to be really brave and only drink 16 oz every third or fourth day, again using the same spacing method.

Now I just need some way to force myself to exercise. I am seriously thinking about some sort of reward system.

Hey, if it works with kids, it has to work with adults too. Right?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cutting Out Caffeine Round 1

Picture me getting two kids up and ready for school, cooking breakfast, packing lunches, getting hubby up and off to work...all without my morning Dr Pepper.

Sounds easy enough, right?

The problem is this pesky little thing called REALITY.

Reality hit right around lunch when I started to get a headache from caffeine withdrawal and asprin didn't help. This also happened to be the time that I was picking the kids up from school and they were happy and hyper. They each wanted to tell me about their day at school and I wanted to listen....I really did....but they were being so loud and I could feel the blood pumping through every vein my head.

I was getting ready to turn into an evil witch.

To save the life of my kids, I caved in and drank a soft drink.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My So-Called Program

I am going to weigh in weekly. This means I will be here every Sunday at 7 am. to share the great news.

I am going to start out by going cold turkey on the three C's.......Caffeine, Candy, and Chocolate. This one is going to be the hardest......so let's see how long it lasts.

I am going to exercise for at least 30 minutes EVERY day.  This does not include chasing around or playing with the kids. This is 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercising......this is also my new "Me" time, where I can focus on me.

Using lots of different websites, I have come to the conclusion that I need to eat a maximum of 1300 calories a day. It seems like a lot of calories, so this part should be easy.  

Wait! I am married to a chef!

Can I have more calories????  PLEASE!?!?!?!

Ok Ok, enough begging. But seriously this is going to be HARD!

I am going to start tracking my calories and exercising by using Spark People, Lose it, Jillian Michaels App on my iPhone, and I may try a few more out as I go. After I see the differences between them, I am going to pick the one I like best and stick with it.

I am sure I will need motivation along the way. For that I am going to find a lot of motivational sayings, stories, and prayers. But for those really horrible trying days where I just want to give up, my hubby and the kids will be my motivation. I know with them I can get through anything.

I am absolutely positive that by the time I lose this weight my hubby will have had to pick my fat ass up off the floor on multiple occasions. I am sure he can't wait!

My Starting Measurements

Drum roll Please!! 

My Current Measurements are

Left Arm: 13 in

Right Arm: 13 in

Chest: 36 in

Waist 42 in

Hips: 46 in

Left Thigh: 24 in

Right Thigh: 25 in

WOW! That was really painful, but it had to be done....

Sunday, January 23, 2011


My stats are not pretty. I am 5 ft 3 in. and weigh in at 171 lbs. By my calculations, that makes my Body Mass Index (or BMI) 31. I am not sure what that number actually means.

Lucky for me, my Wii Fit knows. When I step on it says "That's Obese!" and it says it with such perkiness, that I really want to throw it out the window and hope that it shatters as soon as it hits the pavement.

I have two wonderful children....and yes pregnancy ruined my body. Before I had kids, I was 130 lbs. I never had to diet and I ate all the junk food and drank all the sodas I wanted.  Ahhh....the good times!

For the past seven years, I have been a stay at home mom. And before you ask, NO I do not sit around all day and eat! I do spend all my time taking care of my kids and my husband...and I lost myself somewhere along the way. It's not that I didn't see the weight coming on. I saw it, and I knew I needed to start exercising...I just didn't want to take the time away from my kids. I felt guilty even thinking about it.

I did try to limit my candy and caffeine intake.......less just say it was a smashing success!

After years of trying to lose weight, complaining about how much weight I have gained and being depressed about my weight...It is time to start doing something about it!

I am going to lose this weight and be a size 7 again! NO EXCUSES!!!

However, there will be plenty of complaining, whining, fighting, and lots of sarcasm.